I would be lying if I said I didn't have a moment where I leaped over the coffee table (replay it in your mind in slo-mo) to stop my mom from opening a SunChips bag because I knew the sound could wake the baby from her nap. Unfortunately it seems too many people have had this experience, and SunChips announced it is discontinuing it's compostable bag. This is such depressing news! And while part of me gets it (there was a whole facebook page dedicated to how noisy it was!) the other part finds it infuriating. We really can't live with a noisy bag to lessen pollution?
Back when Phoebe was only a few weeks old I was desperate for sleep. I was reading everything I could on getting a baby to sleep longer or more often. At the time I was averaging four to five hours a night and would spend my waking hours wondering if someone could actually die from lack of sleep. I came across something, somewhere, and once I read it I had a complete paradigm shift. It basically boiled down to: What makes you think you deserve eight hours of sleep?
Hold on. But...I do! I'm...so sleepy....(tears, tears and more tears)...(dry the tears)...(think about it)...
That statement truly changed me. We, and by "We" maybe I mean "People living in 2010" or maybe I mean "Americans" believe we have the right to certain things. Like I have the right for my Internet connection to be fast or I have the right to not have my Trader Joe's stop selling that one product I love. But the truth is these are all conveniences. And once we get out of the mind set that we deserve our lives to as easy as possible, the easier it becomes to deal with life's annoyances.
[Side note: I was watching the movie "Summer Place" on Friday. It was made in the 50's and a woman in the film keeps referring to her toilet as "my convenience." I love it!!]

totally depressing environmental fact:
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